Keep your kids safe from household products

On Behalf of | Mar 24, 2021 | Personal injury |

It is every parent’s nightmare for a child to hurt themselves using a household product. Thankfully, it’s standard practice for companies to childproof potentially dangerous products (such as putting caps on medication) or recalling them if there is a design flaw that can lead to injury. Parents try to be vigilant, but it is nearly impossible to eliminate all potentially dangerous objects or things from areas where children play, eat or sleep. So here a short list to raise awareness.

Commonly recalled products

There are recalls all the time. Good sites for recall information include this U.S. Government site or the site for food, but parents should exercise caution with the following:

  • Toys
  • Food
  • Medication
  • Cosmetics
  • Child safety seats

It is helpful to do some quick research on any new objects that a young child will regularly be around, like toys or something designed to prevent serious injury, such as a car seat. Parents can also sign up for emails from, which also has information in Spanish.

What if I find a recalled product?

It is essential to immediately move these products out of reach of children if you find a recalled product in your home. If there is a formal recall, the company’s website and websites listed above can provide information about how to exchange, get credit for or dispose of the harmful product. In severe injury cases, it is wise to pursue legal action, either on your own or as part of a class action.