Motorcycles are one of the most exciting vehicles one could drive in California, but they are also one of the most hazardous. The lack of protection afforded to riders, as well as the difficulty in seeing a vehicle with a small profile, are dangers enough. But the damage and injury done by drivers under the influence of drugs or alcohol are equally more dangerous to bikers.
A 25-year-old driver from Camp Pendleton is suspected of driving while intoxicated when he was driving eastbound on the westbound side of California State Route 76 near Bonsall. The man’s car struck a motorcyclist headed westbound just before 4 a.m., and the rider died at the scene due to massive trauma.
The California Highway Patrol arrested the car’s driver once officers determined he had enough alcohol in his system to be under the influence. Charges are still pending against the driver. The victim’s identity was not immediately released, but the family or survivors of the victim may have a case in civil court regardless of criminal charges.
Victims of motorcycle accidents and the estates of people killed on bikes may sue drivers who were liable for injury or death. Financial damages may include reimbursement for medical expenses or compensation for pain experienced or wages lost during recovery.
Attorneys may be useful to people considering a civil lawsuit for personal injury after motorcycle crashes. Legal representation may increase the chances of a case’s success in pretrial negotiations, mediated settlements or jury verdicts in civil court.